Confidentiality policy
Staff Development and Training
Staff Disciplinary & Grievance Procedure
Whistleblowing Policy
Students and Volunteers
Mission Statement
Settling in
Arrivals and Departures
Care, Learning and Play
Involving and Consulting Children
Physical Environment
Environmental Policy
Health and Safety
Manual Handling Policy
Risk Assessment Policy
Emergency Evacuation and Closure Procedure
Site Security
Fire Safety
Visits and Outings
Accidents, Illness and Emergency
Administering Medication Policy
Intimate Care
Pandemic Flu Policy
Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs
Food and Drink
Equality and Diversity
Behaviour Management Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy
Suspensions and Exclusions
Partnership with Parents and Carers
Late Collection of Children Policy
Lost Child Policy
Safeguarding Children policy
Documentation and information
Admissions and Fees
Photography, mobile phones and ipods
Snow and Ice
Social Media
Safe internet use
Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Person